Workshop on Codec Avatars @ CVPR24

Full-day workhsop on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, at the Seattle Convention Center.


Our workshop will be devoted to telepresence: the task of generating and driving realistic human representations. Regarding generation, we plan to cover the learning of efficient 3d representations of faces, hands, and bodies, and the particular challenges of each modality. For driving, we will focus on using headsets to drive faces and hands, as well as external cameras for full-body tracking. The invited speakers will provide context on the state of the art both in industry and academia for efficient 3d representations and their applications to human modelling.


Coming soon.


Prof. Kanazawa

Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley. Lead of the Kanazawa AI Research (KAIR) lab under BAIR. Currently serving on the advisory board of Wonder Dynamics.

Prof. Kanazawa

Honorarprofessor at the University of Tübingen and one of the founding directors at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Tübingen, Germany, where he leads the Perceiving Systems department and serves as Managing Director.

Prof. Kanazawa

Director of the Visual Computing and AI Department at MPI for Informatics. Professor of Computer Science at Saarland University, and Director of the Saarbruecken Center for Visual Computing, Interacton and Artificial Intelligence.

Prof. Kanazawa

Vice President and founding director of the Meta Reality Lab in Pittsburgh, devoted to achieving photorealistic social interactions in augmented and virtual reality. He is a consulting professor at the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.


Coming soon.